Kicking off on 1 November with a mono print technique that pushes mono printing that bit further, using the viscosity inking process that I teach for collagraphs you can produce complex looking images with one pass through the press.
All these images are done in one pull.
The very fine lines are imbedded into the image, not added afterwards.
15-16 November is a 2 day workshops exploring mixed media techniques that will get over the blank page syndrome we all suffer from occasionally.
Transfer techniques, acrylic paint, ink and bleach are just a few materials to play with.
At the end of the weekend the samples are turned into a useful reference booklet (or bespoke festive card for a special person).
29-30 November is a 2 day workshop learning how to make the most sophisticated collagraph technique available (in my opinion). Silk Aqua Tint, looks like an etching but uses collagraph processes. On the left hand side is the plate, on the right is the print.
It produces subtle results not usually associated with collagraph, but if it is your first encounter with the technique it is a great place to start.
All these workshops are suitable for beginners and experienced artists looking to develop new techniques. You do not have to be a printmaker to enjoy any of these classes.
For more details and booking contact me,
I would love to be able to take these classes - they sound wonderful! Too bad that darn ocean is in the way!