
Friday, 14 November 2014


I have to admit I am finding my print a month challenge stimulating.
It is making me draw
and my sketch books are filling up with
ideas, some of which
will be made into prints, others may languish on these pages.
I try to make my collagraphs look almost the
same as my drawings.
But of course in the flesh collagraphs have a lots more texture.


  1. I can't believe the quality of the drawing in the collagraph! How you get such finesse and so much character from cardboard and glue. I absolutely love this print!

  2. You've made those pegs looks fabulous... and the birds are not too shabby either. Great prints, especially the last one of the two sparrows. Roll on December. Can't wait to see what plans you've got for that one.

  3. your print adventure and works are so much inspiring! thank you for sharing!
