
Friday, 13 February 2015


It is half term already, but before my 10 week printmaking course has a well earned week off, we tackled one more technique. Mono printing.
The plan this term has been to make collagraph prints that can then be embellished with mono printed details.
Making cut card shapes, inking them and laying them on paper builds up dynamic images in a low tech way.
Often we have a variety of printed images that have not quite worked for one reason or another.
By over printing using card shapes or textured wall paper, compositions
can be softened, developed and
graphic elements can be added giving 
the work a new lease of life.
This is a collagraph with a card bird added and a variety of wall paper textures added in vermillion and silver has more interest and form than the original sample print.
Mono printing can be seen as drawing in print.
My 3 Wednesday groups produce beautiful
results working their way through a pile of what they considered as reject prints making new and exciting work or
producing new work from scratch.


  1. There is some wonderful art being made in that Yard!!!

  2. This looked great fun, what a lovely way to develop reject prints.

  3. You've shown what fun and how effective mono printing can be, I love it. Great results!

  4. I wish I could take one of your classes. I just love what you do.

  5. Hello, I really like your work and I would like to include it in my research for school if you do not mind so is it possible to obtain information regarding when you produced your last artwork (the one from scratch) possibly it's title. Thank you
