
Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Art in Action is hurtling towards me, it is July 16-19 and I am preparing for it now...even though it will be Cheltenham Open Studios June 13-21 first...I hope you are jotting all these dates in your diary?
I will be demonstrating in the Printmaking tent this year so I am drawing as much as I can.
I like to show how I make my collagraph plates, from drawing to printmaking substrate. I wanted to make some darker work after the jolly birds on washing lines, so I am playing with the darker side of corvids, rust and decay.
This idea seems to be extending into some enamel work I am experimenting with.
Old photographs, partially enamelled steel that will rust.
The crackle of transfers when fired into copper.
And firing rust into the enamel.
I am extending the moth eaten idea and
there are always beetle, flies and wasps.


  1. Wish I was nearer as I would love to see you in action. Your artwork us as always so innovative. I would love to get into collagraph printing as an extension of my collage work. You inspire me to go find out more !

  2. The drawings look brilliant, looking forward to seeing the collagraph.

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  4. I wish I lived in your country so that I could take one of your workshops.
