
Wednesday, 2 September 2009


I have just spent the last couple of days playing with some non chicken ideas in my sketch book,

I have started to make collagraph plates of these 2 finches. These 2 drawings are tonal plans, when I have finished the tile cement plates I am hoping to experiment with viscosity inking using the experiments I did earlier in the year as a starting point.

It is good to have a few ideas in hand, I always feel bereft when I have finished a printed piece.

I do have a backlog of drawings which need to be converted into collagraphs or etchings. How do the rest of you cope with more ideas than time or is it that I am managing things really badly?

All these drawings in my sketch book have been achieved using printed acrylic paint, ink washes and bits of collage here and there.


  1. Just beautiful! I love the finches with the backgrounds... Know what you mean about ideas and time, but then I think I'm a bit lazier than you and don't get around to making enough drawings OR putting them into print.

  2. I am also working on a series with nests, eggs and crows so I am drawn to your work.

  3. Oh I really like your work! The birds, eggs and background effects.
