
Monday, 9 August 2010


In Dorset to be precise. Rob and I have had a happy few days camping near Lyme Regis where I indulged my passion for interesting stones.
And stones are very interesting on the Jurassic coast. Full of fossils, like this star rock, each star is a cross section of a plant stalk.
But the thrill is finding fossils on the beaches, here are a few of our haul. Nearly every pebble has evidence of a former life.

I am particularly excited about this sea urchin pebble which found me. The more you don't look the more fossils you seem to find.
Inspired by seeing Ravens for the first time on a cliff walk, I came home and did some more drawing in my small sketch book.
Still experimenting and trying to let the ideas bubble up.

This corvid is carborundum with deeply etched copper plate printed together with the addition of red cotton to add a bit of movement. The etching is soft ground textures from fabric, am I in danger of including textile and stitch...?

But I can't seem to get the black bird out of my system quite yet!


  1. Run with it while the ideas keep coming...they are truely wonderful.

  2. that sea urchin, didn't they think they were leprechaun money... or something like that, in the olden days that is :)

  3. The fossils are amazing and so very beautiful. And they're just lying around for the taking??? Your images are always so interesting and complex. I always enjoy visiting...

  4. Can't imagine you under canvas somehow! Glad you had a good time. It is a fabulous place to go isn't it? I nearly did a double take when I saw those words.... textile and stitch.... go steady, take a deep breath.... but keep going wherever this leads you because it is fascinating coming along for the ride! Lesley xx

  5. How amazing to actually find fossils on the beach! Hope your ideas continue to bubble up in this vein. Love your ravens! A what of ravens, I wonder? I've heard of a murder of crows.
