I expect we all know someone who is growing a moustache for Movember? Now I know I could raise a fortune if it was me, but as hard as I have tried I can only manage a goatee!
The lovely Rob has thrown his top lip into the ring to raise money for men's health and in 3 short weeks has developed a reasonable tache. Less Magnum and more Des Lynham, still not complaining.
I know lots of chaps are joining in, but those of you who have met lovely Rob know that this is quite a high profile gesture for him, especially as he works on building sites, can you imagine the leg pulling he is getting? Women are very open about their health issues, we like nothing better than to talk about our bits and bobs, chaps are a little more stoic and things get missed. Perhaps this out break of moustaches still covers up the fact that men do not face their health issues? But it is a start.
Show your support and pop over to the lovely Rob's mo site, http://uk.movember.com/mospace/4757145
and donate, I promise Rob will wax the ends of his tache when the ends get long enough.
Good for him!!Anything that makes men more aware of health issues is good.