
Monday, 12 March 2018


If you are reading this you may have missed the Made By Hand show at Cheltenham Town Hall this weekend. 10-11 March. 2 days of wall to wall of varied creative talent in the middle of town.
I was lucky enough to be selected to demonstrate my printmaking processes. On Friday I loaded the studio into my car and set up 
my collagraphs in the pillar room.
The calm before what was to be a very busy weekend.
It was a very sociable weekend as I had 2 other exhibitors staying, Katie Wallis from Bristol and Claire Cawte who is coming to the yard:ARTspace in July to teach an Eco Dying workshop
I could not have done the show without the support of family and friends, particularly Caroline McCatty who looked after me the whole weekend. 
I didn't just stand about in the space, I spent 2 solid days inking and printing.
Talking to people about collagraph, gum arabic transfer and the creative courses and workshops on offer at the yard:ARTspace
It is thrilling to surprise people with the simplicity and
and effectiveness of
the processes I use.
Thank you to everyone who came to talk to us, who bought work and look forward to seeing some of you at the yard:ARTspace, Cheltenham. 
Lets get inky!!

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