
Tuesday, 8 May 2018


The sunny bank holiday weekend bought with it a Silk Aquatint workshop at the yard:ARTspace
Silk Aquatint is a sophisticated collagraph version of Mezzo tint.
Mount board is covered with chiffon which holds a rich velvety amount of ink.
By using layers of glue, details and tones can be achieved.
Despite the warm weather there was a great deal of concentrated gluing as layers were applied to make different tones. 
The weekend was used to explore the
plate making processes and then
chine collee, and viscocity
inking was added to the mix.
With the studio doors flung open
lots and
of prints were made. The next collagraph workshop will be 23 September, Printing Collagraph and Lino together.

Before I head off just a quick word about the up and coming GDPR legislation and how it will effect my activities. You will have had lots of communication from organisations sorting all this out. If you are on my mailing list please update your preferences as requested on my last newsletter or unsubscribe if you no longer wish to hear from me.
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