
Thursday, 26 July 2018


The summer holidays are here, but this heralds the end of the 10 week printmaking course at the yard:ARTspace.
It was a very involved term learning to cut and print lino as a feature section to a collagraph background.
The first couple of weeks were spent designing and cutting lino. Printing with oil based ink, including sections of chine collee.
Then off setting the lino print onto a piece of mount board in order to create a collagraph plate that the lino will fit into.
In many cases the collagraph worked equally well with and without the lino print on it.
But as you can see from the following examples the lino makes that extra focus point to 
the over all composition.
There is a morning class,
an afternoon group and
an evening class all running on a Wednesday in term time.
Everyone made beautiful prints, coping with the 
technical challenges I threw at them week
after week.

Next term starts on 19 September and there are now only places left in the morning class. 10am-12.30pm. has details and booking instructions if you fancy an Autumn of learning to make and print collagraphs.

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