
Sunday, 16 December 2018


It has been a really busy year, lots of workshops at the yard:ARTspace and loads of experimenting with new textile techniques. 2018 is coming to an end and my workshops and courses stop over December to give me some breathing space, but I can't just stop.
I have a bit more time to work in my sketch books
and make a few decisions about what to develop next.
I find Christmas makes me feel cosy and nostalgic, so I often find myself 
knitting or as here, crocheting. I now have a garland for my fire place this year.
This mouse is from Christmas past, I must search out the pattern again, you never know when a knitted mouse will be needed?
Not satisfied with the garland I embarked on a pom pom wreath. Not for the faint hearted this project.
When completed it weighed as much as a sheep and takes more yarn than expected.
I ran a very enjoyable Christmas fairy workshop at the end of November at the yard. Another excuse to get the pom pom makers out. Nothing says Christmas like a fabric pom pom, especially in net or velvet. These ladies are waiting for wings and faces.
Last year I was lucky enough to have Hens Teeth in the yard with her take on Christmas angels. I love finding makes from the past and getting them out for the season.
Talking of fairies here is the result of an annual event that has been happening for about 15 years now, the fairy swap between me and talented artist Caroline McCatty. This years theme is fungus fairy, I still reckon I get the better offering, I just love this earthy little character that Caroline has made me, he is sitting happily on my mantle piece.
So as I get closer to Christmas day, mince pies are made, presents bought and wrapped and the annual arrival of the tree in the 2CV has happened.
After an hour of straightening and stabilizing with the lovely Mr Brown we are now decorated and ready for the festive off!
2018 has not been without its challenges, but on the whole everything has gone relatively smoothly.
Here's to a creative 2019, have a Happy Christmas.

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