
Sunday, 20 January 2019


Colour and thread landed in the yard:ARTspace on Saturday with a 
Free Machine Embroidery workshop run by the electric sewing machine wizard, Catherine Kingzett
7 different sewing machines in the room, worked by operators with varying experience, but nothing phased Catherine. We all soon got to grips with our machines.
We started the day getting to know what we and our machines were capable of.
Then focused on doodling and drawing.
Trying threads and mark making...
I just couldn't resist having a go at a face.
We then got down and serious after lunch, producing
carefully thought out projects.
Getting to grips with a touch of applique. 
Working on different substrates and 
becoming confident with drawing and colouring in with thread.
Whoops, did I try out a bird, well it would have been rude not to?
A woman at one with her machine, I may even be looking relaxed, although apparently I have a sewing machine face when I work.
Catherine is such a patient teacher, 
showing us everything we needed to know about our machines and encouraging us to experiment.
Check out the textile workshops at the yard:ARTspace, some are a little out of the ordinary and will get you going in different directions.

Thank you Cath for a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Catherine Kingzett20 January 2019 at 10:28

    Always a pleasure to be at the yard:ARTspace, such a wonderful creative space.
