
Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Every once in a while I have to get out of the studio and meet people. One of the best ways to do this is a Craft Show.
I am lucky enough to have one on my door step, Craft Festival has come back to Cheltenham for the second year running, bringing with it Made By Hand.
An excellent show packed with extraordinary makers and artists. 
The whole event is run so professionally and there is great camaraderie between everyone.
My stand was set up on the Thursday
with a small studio within it.
My view all weekend down the corridor of talent.
I spent 3 days demonstrating 
my printmaking practice
and gum arabic transfer printmaking.
Everyone was so interested, thank you to anyone who stopped to take a look.
I could not have done the weekend without the help of my good chum Caroline, a super talent in her own right.
The whole 3 days went by in a flash, Sunday afternoon bowled a bit of a curve ball during pack up as I piled everything into the car during a hail storm.

A lovely event and as I said earlier, thank you to everyone who took the time to see me.

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