Wednesday, 27 May 2009


I have been working in sketch books for about 10 years now. My sketch book is where I jot down ideas and play around with techniques. I wish I was the sort of artist who could sit down at a cafe and record what I see, but I do not work like that.
I sit in my studio and play with materials and images working out ideas for collagraphs and etchings. Here are a few sample pages where I have used acrylic paint, quink ink, bleach and printed textured wall paper.

I would be lost without textured wall paper, my idea of a good day out is a trip to the local DIY store, (I must get a life).

I facilitate workshops using these techniques encouraging sketch book practice, the next

weekend workshop is :-

October 17th-18th 2009

Mixed media techniques and Gum Arabic Transfer Printing
Using Gum Arabic and the humble black-and-white photocopy as your ‘plate’, you can make prints of hand-drawn or photographic images.
Together with a variety of mixed media techniques using ink, oil pastel, bleach and acrylic spend 2 days learning how to create personal sketch book pages.
( please bring strongly contrasting toner photocopies and sketch books).

Hampen Factory Arts Centre, Nr Cheltenham

For further details contact:
Sue Brown
T:01242 511941


Jacky said...

Sue how I wish I lived in the UK, I would love to do a class with you! I love your collages and etchings.
I have just found your blog through Jo Horswill and will be sure to stop by and visit again.
Beautiful blog.


Maggie Bergman said...

Found you on Pinterest this morning (Aussie time:) Love your work, going right back to see where it all started!

I love enamelling and got really inspired seeing your concertina book, it's just gorgeous!