I spent yesterday at UWE making this collection of spoons ready for my Open Studio event in June. All went very smoothly, there are usually a few moths that come adrift or flop in the heat of the kiln, but no, I had a morning of hitch free enamelling.

But my luck did not hold out for the whole day and not all experiments go to plan, but the more one has technical difficulties the more one learns. At a quick glance these 2 pieces are not completely lost and if I ignore where the enamel has blown off one part to land neatly in a smooth white area I could almost be pleased with parts of them.

These are close ups of the sections I like and will repeat on other pieces.

I particularly like the way the text breaks through on the grey.

And through the spaces on bare steel.

With a mistake comes a nothing to loose attitude which can generate other ideas.
excellent as always . . . truly we do learn most from our mistakes.
These images are luscious. The texture is wonderful and sometimes mistakes are just happy accidents after all. Went to an auction yesterday and bought an antique glass dome (as you do!). Thought about you and the dilemma of displaying these fantastic pieces to best advantage.If you want to borrow it just say. It's nice and tall.... perfect for spoons and moths to be displayed in.... L x
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