The end of term at Christmas is a good excuse for a get together, so I hoovered round, put up some fairy lights and invited my printmaking class round for tea and mince pies.

But they did not get off lightly, to earn their tea I set them the task of making a 'Christmas Fairy Cake'. Nothing competitive you understand.

So out came the edible gold, glitter and silver balls, together with a few calorie conscious offerings which were crochet and felt.

I love that these busy, talented people indulge my cake based whims and rise to these

culinary challenges with such gusto.

Except for these delicious chocolate buns and my mince pies, we could not bring ourselves to

eat these festive sculptures. But the young people in my household did not have the same

scruples and most were gone by the next day. A good time was had by all, gallons of tea was drunk...I love starting my festivities in this way...thankyou for a great term everyone.
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