It's the season to be jolly and this time of year is marked by the annual fairy swap that takes place between me and my friend Caroline.

This year our theme was Found Object Fairy. In the past we have done Scary Fairy, Furry Fairy, Foreign Fairy, Fat Fairy, Flat Fairy...I think I've made the point. This was my offering.

But as usual, I got the better end of the deal receiving this beautifully made, imaginative piece from Caroline, thankyou I am thrilled!! This tradition is now I believe 8 years old and I really feel Christmas is around the corner when I have managed to put together my fairy.

The festive season has effected my sketch book work and why not?

Thankyou to everyone who has been reading my ramblings and a Happy Christmas to you all,

here's to a creative 2010.
Happy Christmas to you too Sue.
So thrilled you started to blog...will be back here with bells on in 2010, Jo xx
PS Love the "Fairies"
Priceless fairies. I love Caroline's take on life - have never quite got over 'Lucky' the dog as you well know. Thanks for my beautiful package. Enjoy the festive season. love Lesley x
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