Monday, 1 February 2010


I have put up a print draw in my shed to clear the window ledge. What can we tell about a person by looking at the things they collect or the gifts from friends?
I only have a few gaps left, so I will have to find another tray and find more wall space, I can't see myself changing a habit of a life time.


LAC EMP 2020 said...

This reminds me! I have an ostrich for you. Obviously not a life size one. That would be silly and you've got a few of those anyway. He's only weeny, an escapee from a zoo set I think. I've been meaning to send him for weeks. I'll keep him safe if you'll save him a slot on the shelf.... Lesley x

Debra James Percival said...

Love stuff, wonderful idea! Every time you look at your shelf you will remember someone or some time that was special.

Bridget Farmer said...

These are great, I love my printers tray too, full of treasures only I see the worth in!