From time to time I am left with a pile of not quite finished pieces as seen in earlier posts, it then comes upon me to tackle these unresolved issues, rather than give up on them.

There are numerous techniques to use when printing a collagraph, so rather than bin the chunky bird plates I used inked rubs which brings out the texture and creates blushes of colour.

I have spent some time focusing on my enamel experiments too. Applying screen printed transfers work really well.

Adding elements to etched and enamelled plates. Can you spot the Nonconformist? All you moth buffs out there will get the reference!

Transfers on their own are fine, but add a stenciled image and a bit of a rhyme and it all gets more serious!!
Stunning, inspirational work.
The moth anorak gets it! Love the enamel plates especially the one with the crows - or rooks I think - yes, you know I am a bird anorak too.... you're getting very 3D with the enamels - might the prints follow suit in some way? Lesley xx
your work astounds me every time I look!
I love the tag with the dry grasses and the crow scene with that gorgeous speckle texture behind their group. They conjure up sounds for me.
Going back through your posts I've been enjoying the various birds perched on forks, paintbrushes etc. I love birds but its the element of surprise that makes them even more charming.
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