As you can see I am still experimenting with tile cement and

carborundom plates.

I have also tried to be a bit daring (for me) with the colour in these prints.

Simultaneous colour separation inking really shows up the textures in these plates.

I am really enjoying the little birds at the moment. I have had a family of sparrows come to visit my tiny town garden.

But I am really excited about this visitor, I believe it is a Garden Tiger Moth, please let me know if I have got that wrong.

I had three of these beauties flying just out of reach of Iris the cat this evening. A gorgeous flash of colour!
Hi Sue,
Lots of wonderful things happening in your studio! And thanks for showing the photo of the moth. I certainly haven't ever seen anything like that in any place that I've ever lived....Cheers!
the bird prints are lovely ... nice work! >> Gina
Love the birds, as ever! Your beautiful moth is a day flying Scarlet Tiger . How lucky to see three of them. They are not rare but not exactly prolific either. Lucky you. Lesley xx
beautiful prints!
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