Finally I have found a couple of days to work through some ideas in my sketch book.

When I am really stuck I start the blank page with a gum arabic transfer,

then using acrylic, ink and pencil work into the surface.

Metallic oil pastels add glamour, but tricky to photograph.

I have also spent some time creating enamel work to show in the Cheltenham Open Studio event at the beginning of June. It seems along way away now, but time soon passes so the more I can get done now the better.
You had to tempt me with that spoon photo didn't you? I did quite a few photocopies last week in readiness for some gum arabic transfers. It's a while since I've done one so I'm re-visiting your notes from the workshop. My spoons are lined up ready to go and I have a few plates in the offing.... and, as ever, you leave me with sketchbook envy.... Lesley x
These are all beautiful.
Hello Sue Just stumbled onto your blog. Wow...the mind boggles... your enamelling is beautiful and your collographs intriguing. Fantastic work. Jo
I really love your enamel work. I can't read the script on the spoons but colours, subject and feel great.
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