As you may have gathered I have not been about, Mr Brown and I have had been on our annual trip to Dorset for a few days under canvas. But things still happen!

I have had these 2
collagraphs accepted by The Society of Graphic Fine Art for their 90
th Annual Open Exhibition.

To be held 3-15 October at the
Menier Gallery,London. Check out the details on

The New Brewery Arts in
Cirencester has invited me to exhibit enamel spoons in their exhibition Only Words, 3 -20 October. Inspired by the
Cheltenham Literary Festival happening at the same time it will be a stimulating exhibition of artists work that have text elements.

I am still inspired by Marley and have been planning more

These drawings are in preparation for a commission, of which I will tell more when I am further on with it.

It feels like my break in Dorset was 4 weeks ago not 4 days, I could be showing you glorious coast lines and charms of gold finches, but while on a walk Mr Brown and I found a house with these in the window. Now my imagination is going 10 to the dozen...any suggestions?
Your collographs and enamels always stop me in my tracks, they are so emotive.
As for the row of rubber gloves - hmm - tie-dye workshop organiser?
My first thought was 'serial killer'..... but I don't want to be accused of bad taste... what about 'obsessive compulsive'... or is that worse? Glad you're home after a good break.Marley is looking good - really good! L x
Fantastic drawings of Marley... and I just adore those spoons. My suggestions for the gloves were along the same lines as Lesley but perhaps they just run a cleaning company?
congrats on your new shows. the spoons are amazing too and in conjunction w/the literary festival. perfect.
i love the way you call your DH Mr. Brown. actually at one time I was a Mrs. Brown and did an etching"Mrs. Brown eats toast."
the gloves. Ha! Maybe she cleans houses. Love that they are pink! So I imagine a new etching of hanging gloves?
The gloves, they have the villainous penguin from The Wrong Trousers as a lodger.
And the beautiful artwork just wish I could be on the trip to London to see the real thing and can't wait to see more Marley!
What wonderful images of Marley and I do covet those spoons! Good luck with the exhibitions. As for the rubber gloves - perhaps it's a production line of udders for pantomime cows?
I love your collographs...I was wondering if you have any suggestions for the equivalent to the polyfilla for the States? I love the way it takes the impressions and would love to experiment with it.
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