Sunday 26 April 2015


The lovely Mr Brown has not seen much of me the last 3 weekends as I have been out and about teaching workshops.
The lovely and well organised Leicester Print Workshop invited me to run a gum arabic printing/mixed media workshop 3 weekends ago.
All sorts of things went on...and were rubbed off too.
This is beginning to be my signature workshop and is proving to be popular.
Beautiful mixed media artists books were made
over 2 days. Thankyou LPW for your hospitality.
Last weekend found me near Winchester (which has a ferocious one way system if you get in the wrong lane). Performing my Gum arabic workshop for the Guild of Enamellers Conference.
Another well organised weekend with enamellers who have a marvellous sense of humour.
They took on the techniques with gusto and
made beautiful pamphlets.
I took along these enamelled books demonstrating how the techniques could translate into enamel pieces.
Last Wednesday saw the start of the summer term at the yard:ARTspace.
We started with a bang and quick tape plates were made and inked.
2 plate colour printmaking producing soft 
colourful prints.
Then if that wasn't enough I ran a Silk Aquatint workshop this weekend at the yard:ARTspace.
One of my favourite collagraph techniques.
Combined with viscosity inking.
Yet another enthusiastic group, 
producing print 
after lovely
cake and tea.
Lots of beautiful images were made, lots of giggling too. The next workshop is May 16-17 where the focus will be on carborundom and blended rubs as an inking technique. for details and booking.

Before that however, Bank Holiday weekend will find me at Printfest in Ulverston check out for details.

1 comment:

LAC EMP 2020 said...

Hope all is going well in Ulverston. I know it will be busy. Do hope you'll have photos to show! No wonder we can't get together. You're so busy, but it's because of the hard work you put into making things happen. Can't make the session with the rubs because I'm elsewhere but let's try and meet somewhere in the next few months shall we? xx