Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Art in Action is hurtling towards me, it is July 16-19 and I am preparing for it now...even though it will be Cheltenham Open Studios June 13-21 first...I hope you are jotting all these dates in your diary?
I will be demonstrating in the Printmaking tent this year so I am drawing as much as I can.
I like to show how I make my collagraph plates, from drawing to printmaking substrate. I wanted to make some darker work after the jolly birds on washing lines, so I am playing with the darker side of corvids, rust and decay.
This idea seems to be extending into some enamel work I am experimenting with.
Old photographs, partially enamelled steel that will rust.
The crackle of transfers when fired into copper.
And firing rust into the enamel.
I am extending the moth eaten idea and
there are always beetle, flies and wasps.

Friday, 15 May 2015


It is hard to believe that it is nearly half term, 5 weeks of the second term has gone by at the yard:ARTspace. The 10 week collagraph course has progressed rapidly.
All the printmaking groups have taken on the challenge of colour separation and multiple plate printing.
Carborundum, skim and repair plaster and wood glue has been the basis
for their experiments.
Interesting, textural
key plates have been produced.
Atmospheric experimental
images have been made.
But this week it all became clear...honestly! Adding colour to the
second plate and printing the coloured plate under the key dark plate resulted in...
this collection
of rich,
These are just
a few of the
gorgeous prints made on Wednesday morning, afternoon and on the evening class.
It will soon be time to apply for the Autumn 10 week printmaking classes, go to www.theyardartspace.com for details

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


With Art in Action racing towards me I wanted to create one really large image.
So I hit my A2 sketchbook, joined a piece of paper together to a page to make an A1 drawing developing the birds on a washing line theme.
And off I went making a collagraph plate.
I use grey board as it gives me a good mid tone , I use cutting and peeling to create darks.
PVA sealant and exterior wood glue
are brilliant for light areas and highlights.
Making the laundry was great fun. Oiling up my favourite wallpapers and pressing it into repair and skim plaster...so far no art shop has been entering in the making of this plate!
One layer of shellac later...
and I have a piece 66 x 95cm ready for Art in Action.
For more details about the event go to http://www.artinaction.org.uk/

Monday, 4 May 2015


The lovely Mr Brown and I have just come back from 'sunny' Ulverston where I have spend the weekend
showing at Printfest.
This festival devoted to printmaking in all it's forms is one of a kind.
I spent 3 days in the company of 36 other printmakers entertaining the public with all things print.
The work was diverse and the company fun. Exhibiting around me and keeping energy levels high were Moira McTague and
Jay Seabrook showing her collagraphs
Anja Percival with beautiful atmospheric aqua tints
and Katie Edwards intricate screen prints to name but a few of the talented artists showing this year. Check out www.printfest.uk/artists/ for the complete list of exhibitors.
We were all watched over by the babies in the ceiling in Coronation Hall
and outside by the demonic eyed Stan Laurel, Ulverstons famous son. If you are interested in art and particularly printmaking Ulverston in May should be in your diary for next year.