Saturday 15 August 2015


It has been important for me to spend August making new work and experimenting.
I spent last year trying to make a print a month, this came to an end in about February of this year, so July and August has seen me making up for it. I have made 5 new plates while at Art in Action and this week I have started
4 new plates inspired by drawings in my sketch book and
my lovely outing to Slimbridge a couple of weeks ago.
I have several things on the go at once, so that while things are drying I have other plates to work on in sequence.
I trace the drawing from my sketchbook and transfer it to grey board. If I shape the plate it is now that it happens. This is an image of Jackdaws on a washing line.
If I have any large white areas I apply the layers of glue at this stage. Each layer dries thoroughly before the next is applied. When this is dry I will then apply carborundum. 
Skim and repair plaster may come next, these sewing birds are too small for carborundum.
When the plaster is dry I will then glue on the highlights and cut and carve the dark areas and lines.
I really like making shaped plates and these will have a gum arabic background, a process I have been experimenting with
on one of the images I made at Art in Action.

There is a little way to go with these plates before printing...I will keep you posted. I you would like to learn collagraph techniques check out the yard:ARTspace workshops and courses for this year and 2016.


Anonymous said...

Looking interesting and seems to be an ideal candidate to go in my sewing room. Put me down to purchase one Linda

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work Sue.

Wendy Rhodes said...

The new work looks great, thank you for sharing the process, fascinatingx

Diane Young said...

I love your work, and found your blog post really interesting. I wondered what you glued on for highlights is it a smooth card ?