Monday 24 August 2020


Same Sea, Different Boat was started in Mid May to give a creative voice to our lock down lives. It has come along way with over 400 printed/stitched squares stitched into a quilt straddling 5 panels. It has become a social documentation of our shared experiences...and of course this pandemic has not gone away, it is still effecting our day to day lives. With this in mind, Lousie, Liske and I have created spaces in the quilt for more of you to join in. How to become part of the bigger picture is outlined below.

Thank you to all of you who are part of this beautiful piece of work and for your support donating towards it.
This project is not in any way about profit and is not funded. All the work putting this art work together has been completely voluntary. To help towards material costs please make a small donation i.e £3, this is by no means compulsory to take part in the project: 
This can be done by sending a £3 cheque made payable to S. Brown with your plate or embroidered square or email me for BACs details.
the yard:ARTspaceHope & Elvis and Littleheath Barn Studio are proud to present a collaborative project which celebrates our creativity in a time of unexpected crisis.

It has been hard to find our creativity during lock down; we are all in the same sea but not necessarily the same boat!  We have all experienced the Covid pandemic in very different ways and Sue, Louise and Liske want to invite you to take part in an exciting combined project.

We have created a printed/stitched fabric quilt that explores your individual experiences, thoughts & emotions collectively about your time in lock down.

Become part of a bigger picture. 

Your contribution will be added to this amazing quilt, which will showcase beautifully your individual response to the global pandemic. The final piece will be displayed in various locations (dates and locations TBA) 

 The Project

·         Make a simple collagraph plate, 10cms x 10cms, using the instructions found HERE in a later blog post. These instructions have been put together especially for those who have never made a collagraph plate before. Express your lock down experience, figuratively or as an abstract using the suggested techniques.

      Put your name, address and email on the back of the completed collagraph plate and together with a SAE post it to:-

Sue Brown, the yard:ARTspace, Upper Bath Street, Cheltenham, GL50 2BA

 There is now an open ended deadline due to the popularity of the project, but please email me at if you intend to take part. When I get your collagraph plate, it will be inked up and printed on fabric in Prussian Blue. As much as I would like to print you a separate copy of your collagraph, I am getting lots of plates to print for the project...!! Your plate will be returned in your SAE for you to print again later.

The fabric print will be sent back to you for stitching and embellishing in your provided SAE.

 Return finished square to Sue at the yard:ARTspace. When your square arrives Louise, Liske and Sue will add it to the quilt.


·         Create a stitched, collage using only natural fabrics, embroider hand or machine as much as you like, expressing your lock down experience, figuratively or as an abstract.

·         Please make the image size 10cm x 10cm on a piece of fabric 15cm x 15cm so it will fit the other squares to make the quilt.

·         Send your completed square to Sue at the yard:ARTspace, address above, and Louise, Liske and Sue will add it to the quilt.  

If you would like to take part could you please 

e-mail me, as soon as possible so we know how many collagraph plates and stitched squares to expect?   


Thank you and we look forward to receiving your collagraph plate or stitched square and being part of abigger picture. 



men leather pants said...

Amazing BIGGER PICTURE thanks for share it.

JeniS said...

What a fabulous project!

Anonymous said...

I saw this at a quilting show yesterday - it is an amazing piece of work. Well done to all who contributed to it.

Riteway Towing said...